
Kubernetes Commands CMDsheet

Kubectl Commands Quick Reference

Kubernetes Commands CMDsheet

Cluster Management

kubectl cluster-infoDisplay endpoint information about the master and services in the cluster
kubectl versionDisplay the Kubernetes version running on the client and server
kubectl config viewGet the configuration of the cluster
kubectl api-resourcesList the API resources that are available
kubectl api-versionsList the API versions that are available
kubectl get all --all-namespacesList everything


kubectl get daemonsetList one or more daemonsets
kubectl edit daemonset <daemonset_name>Edit and update the definition of one or more daemonset
kubectl delete daemonset <daemonset_name>Delete a daemonset
kubectl create daemonset <daemonset_name>Create a new daemonset
kubectl rollout daemonsetManage the rollout of a daemonset
kubectl describe ds <daemonset_name> -n <namespace_name>Display the detailed state of daemonsets within a namespace


kubectl get deploymentList one or more deployments
kubectl describe deployment <deployment_name>Display the detailed state of one or more deployments
kubectl edit deployment <deployment_name>Edit and update the definition of one or more deployment on the server
kubectl create deployment <deployment_name>Create one a new deployment
kubectl delete deployment <deployment_name>Delete deployments
kubectl rollout status deployment <deployment_name>See the rollout status of a deployment
  • Options:
--image=image_nameProvide an image name


kubectl get eventsList recent events for all resources in the system
kubectl get events --field-selector type=WarningList Warnings only
kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject.kind!=PodList events but exclude Pod events
kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject.kind=Node,<node_name>Pull events for a single node with a specific name
kubectl get events --field-selector type!=NormalFilter out normal events from a list of events


kubectl logs <pod_name>Print the logs for a pod
kubectl logs --since=1h <pod_name>Print the logs for the last hour for a pod
kubectl logs --tail=20 <pod_name>Get the most recent 20 lines of logs
kubectl logs -f <service_name> [-c <$container>]Get logs from a service and optionally select which container
kubectl logs -f <pod_name>Print the logs for a pod and follow new logs
kubectl logs -c <container_name> <pod_name>Print the logs for a container in a pod
kubectl logs <pod_name> pod.logOutput the logs for a pod into a file named ‘pod.log’
kubectl logs --previous <pod_name>View the logs for a previously failed pod


kubetail <pod_prefix>Get logs for all pods named with pod_prefix
kubetail <pod_prefix> -s 5mInclude the most recent 5 minutes of logs

Manifest Files

kubectl apply -f manifest_file.yamlApply a configuration to an object by filename or stdin. Overrides the existing configuration.
kubectl create -f manifest_file.yamlCreate objects
kubectl create -f ./dirCreate objects in all manifest files in a directory
kubectl create -f ‘url’Create objects from a URL
kubectl delete -f manifest_file.yamlDelete an object


kubectl create namespace <namespace_name>Create namespace
kubectl get namespace <namespace_name>List one or more namespaces
kubectl delete namespace <namespace_name>Delete a namespace
kubectl describe namespace <namespace_name>Display the detailed state of one or more namespace
kubectl edit namespace <namespace_name>Edit and update the definition of a namespace
kubectl top namespace <namespace_name>Display Resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage for a namespace


kubectl taint node <node_name>Update the taints on one or more nodes
kubectl get nodeList one or more nodes
kubectl delete node <node_name>Delete a node or multiple nodes
kubectl top nodeDisplay Resource usage (CPU/Memory/Storage) for nodes
kubectl describe nodes \| grep Allocated -A 5Resource allocation per node
kubectl get pods -o wide \| grep <node_name>Pods running on a node
kubectl annotate node <node_name>Annotate a node
kubectl cordon node <node_name>Mark a node as unschedulable
kubectl uncordon node <node_name>Mark node as schedulable
kubectl drain node <node_name>Drain a node in preparation for maintenance
kubectl label nodeAdd or update the labels of one or more nodes


kubectl get podList one or more pod
kubectl delete pod <pod_name>Delete a pod
kubectl describe pod <pod_name>Display the detailed state of a pods
kubectl create pod <pod_name>Create a pod
kubectl exec <pod_name> -c <container_name> <command>Execute a command against a container in a pod
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> /bin/shGet interactive shell on a a single-container pod
kubectl top podDisplay Resource usage (CPU/Memory/Storage) for pods
kubectl annotate pod <pod_name> <annotation>Add or update the annotations of a pod
kubectl label pod <pod_name>Add or update the label of a pod

Replication Controllers(rc)

kubectl get rcList the replication controllers
kubectl get rc --namespace=”<namespace_name>”List the replication controllers by namespace


kubectl get replicasetsList ReplicaSets
kubectl describe replicasets <replicaset_name>Display the detailed state of one or more ReplicaSets
kubectl scale --replicas=<x>Scale a ReplicaSet


kubectl create secretCreate a secret
kubectl get secretsList secrets
kubectl describe secretsList details about secrets
kubectl delete secret <secret_name>Delete a secret


kubectl get servicesList one or more services
kubectl describe servicesDisplay the detailed state of a service
kubectl expose deployment [deployment_name]Expose a replication controller, service, deployment or pod as a new Kubernetes service
kubectl edit servicesEdit and update the definition of one or more services

Service Accounts(sa)

kubectl get serviceaccountsList service accounts
kubectl describe serviceaccountsDisplay the detailed state of one or more service accounts
kubectl replace serviceaccountReplace a service account
kubectl delete serviceaccount <service_account_name>Delete a service account


kubectl get statefulsetList StatefulSet
kubectl delete statefulset/[stateful_set_name] --cascade=falseDelete StatefulSet only (not pods)

Common Options

  • In Kubectl you can specify optional flags with commands. Here are some of the most common and useful ones.
-oOutput format. Options include wide, json, yaml, etc.kubectl get pods -o wide
-nShorthand for --namespace. Specifies the namespace for the command.kubectl get pods -n [namespace_name]
-fFilename, directory, or URL to files to create, delete, or update resources.kubectl apply -f ./newpod.yaml
-lSelector to filter resources based on labels. Supports =, ==, and !=.kubectl get pods -l app=nginx
-hHelp for the command. Displays usage instructions and options.kubectl get pods -h
--dry-run=clientPreview the changes without applying them.kubectl apply -f ./deployment.yaml --dry-run=client
--allOperate on all resources of a specific type in all namespaces.kubectl delete pods --all
--contextSpecify the Kubernetes context to use for the command.kubectl get pods --context=my-cluster-context
--watchWatch for changes to a resource and stream updates to the terminal.kubectl get pods --watch
--field-selectorFilter resources based on specific fields.kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase=Running
--sort-bySort resources by a specific field.kubectl get pods
--forceForce the action, such as deleting a resource without graceful termination.kubectl delete pod mypod --force
--kubeconfigSpecify a custom kubeconfig file to use for the command.kubectl get pods --kubeconfig=/path/to/kubeconfig
--output=jsonpathCustomize the output by specifying a JSONPath expression.kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}'
--timeoutTime to wait for a command to complete.kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod mypod --timeout=30s
--all-namespacesOperate on all namespaces for the command.kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
--asImpersonate a specific user for the command.kubectl get pods --as=admin
--tokenSpecify a Bearer Token for authentication.kubectl get pods --token=abcdef123456
--limitLimit the number of resources returned.kubectl get pods --limit=5

Imperative Approach Commands

kubectl run my-first-pod --image stacksimplify/kubenginx:1.0.0To create a pod
kubectl expose pod my-first-pod --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 --name=my-first-serviceTo create a service
kubectl create deployment my-deployment --image=nginxTo create a deployment

Declarative Approach Commands

kubectl apply -f deployment.yamlTo create a deployment

kubectl Filtering

k get pods --selector env=devTo filter based on labels
k get all --selector env=prod,bu=finance,tier=frontendTo filter based on multiple labels
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