Docker Commands CMDsheet
Mostly used commands for docker operations.
Docker Commands CMDsheet
Build Commands
Command | Description |
docker build | Builds an image from a Dockerfile in the current directory |
docker build <remote-url> | Builds an image from a remote GIT repository |
docker build -t imagename/tag | Builds and tags an image for easier tracking |
Builds an image via a Dockerfile that is passed through STDIN |
docker build -t image:1.0 -<<EOFFROM busyboxRUN echo “hello world”EOF |
Run Commands
docker run (options) image (command) (arg...)
Option | Description |
--detach , -d | Runs a container in the background and prints the container ID |
--env , -e | Sets environment variables |
--hostname , -h | Sets a hostname to a container |
--label , -l | Creates a meta data label for a container |
--name | Assigns a name to a container |
--network | Connects a container to a network |
--rm | Removes container when it stops |
--read-only | Sets the container filesystem as read-only |
--workdir , -w | Sets a working directory in a container |
Copy Command
Command | Description |
docker cp | Copy a file from container to localhost |
docker cp /host/path/to/copy/files/from | Copy a file from localhost to container |
Docker Image Commands
docker images --filter "dangling=true" | To list all the images without any tags |
Clean Up Commands
Command | Description |
docker image prune | Clears an unused image |
docker image prune -a | Clears all images that are not being used by containers |
docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q \| xargs -r docker rmi | To remove all the images without any tags |
docker system prune | Removes all stopped containers, all networks not used by containers, all dangling images, and all build cache |
docker image rm image | Removes an image |
docker rm container | Removes a running container |
docker swarm leave | Leaves a swarm |
docker stack rm stackname | Removes a swarm |
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f dangling=true -q) | Removes all dangling volumes |
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) | Removes all stopped containers |
docker kill $(docker ps -q) | Stops all running containers |
Container Interaction Commands
Command | Description |
docker start container | Starts a new container |
docker stop container | Stops a container |
docker pause container | Pauses a container |
docker unpause container | Unpauses a container |
docker restart container | Restarts a container |
docker wait container | Blocks a container |
docker export container | Exports container contents to a tar archive |
docker attach container | Attaches to a running container |
docker wait container | Waits until the container is terminated and shows the exit code |
docker commit -m "commit message" -a "author" container username/image_name:tag | Saves a running container as an image |
docker logs -ft container | Follows container logs |
docker exec -ti container | Runs a command in a container |
docker commit container image | Creates a new image from a container |
docker create image | Creates a new container from an image |
Container Inspection Commands
Command | Description |
docker -ps -a | Lists all containers |
docker diff container | Inspects changes to directories and files in the container filesystem |
docker top container | Shows all running processes in an existing container |
docker inspect container | Displays low-level information about a container |
docker logs container | Gathers the logs for a container |
docker stats container | Shows container resource usage statistics |
Manage Images Commands
Command | Description |
docker image ls | Lists images |
docker image rm mysql | Removes an image |
docker tag image tag | Tags an image |
docker history image | Displays the image history |
docker inspect image | Displays low-level information about an image |
Registry Commands
Command | Description |
docker login | Logs in to a registry |
docker logout | Logs out from a registry |
docker pull mysql | Pulls an image from a registry |
docker push repo/rhel-httpd:latest | Pushes an image to a registry |
docker search term | Searches Docker Hub for images with the specified term |
Service Commands
Command | Description |
docker service ls | Lists all services running in a swarm |
docker stack services stackname | Lists all running services |
docker service ps servicename | Lists the tasks of a service |
docker service update servicename | Updates a service |
docker service create image | Creates a new service |
docker service scale servicename=10 | Scales one or more replicated services |
docker service logs stackname servicename | Lists all service logs |
Network Commands
Command | Description |
docker network create networkname | Creates a new network |
docker network rm networkname | Removes a specified network |
docker network ls | Lists all networks |
docker network connect networkname container | Connects a container to a network |
docker network disconnect networkname container | Disconnects a container from a network |
docker network inspect networkname | Displays detailed information about a network |
Docker Manifest Commands
Command | Description |
docker manifest inspect | Inspect the manifest or manifest list of an image |
docker manifest create | Create a manifest list by combining multiple image manifests for different platforms |
docker manifest annotate | Adds additional metadata (e.g., platform details) to a manifest list |
docker manifest push | Pushes a manifest list to a container registry |
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