
Container Volumes

In this blog, we'll explore container volumes and their types.

Container Volumes

Container Volumes

  • Volumes provide a mechanism to persist data generated or used by containers.
  • Unlike ephemeral storage within a container, volumes allow data to persist even when the container stops or is removed.

Types of Container Volumes

1. Anonymous Volumes

  • Automatically created and managed by the container runtime.

2. Named Volumes

  • Explicitly created by users and easily reused by multiple containers.

3. Bind Mounts

  • Link specific host directories or files to a container.

Why Use Volumes?

  • Retain data across container restarts or updates.
  • Share data between multiple containers.
  • Decouple data storage from the container runtime.

Managing Volumes

  1. Create a Named Volume

     container-cli volume create my_data_volume
  2. Run a Container with the Volume

     container-cli run --name app2 -v my_data_volume:/data my_app_image
  3. Inspect the Volume

     container-cli volume inspect my_data_volume
  4. List All Volumes

     container-cli volume list
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