
Container Networking Services

In this blog, we'll explore container networking services and their types.

Container Networking Services

Container Networking

  • Networking allows containers to communicate with each other, the host system, and external systems.
  • It abstracts the complexity of underlying network configurations, enabling seamless communication across different environments.

Types of Container Networks

1. Bridge Networks

  • Provide isolated communication between containers on the same host.
  • Containers within the same network can communicate using their container names.

2. Host Networks

  • Containers share the host’s network stack for higher performance in certain scenarios.

3. Isolated Networks

  • Completely disables external communication, isolating the container.

4. Overlay Networks

  • Enable container communication across multiple hosts in distributed setups.

5. Custom Networks

  • User-defined networks tailored for specific use cases.

Managing Networks using Container CLI

  1. Create a Custom Bridge Network

    container-cli network create my_custom_network
  2. Run a Container in the Custom Network

    container-cli run --name app1 --network my_custom_network my_app_image
  3. Inspect the Network

    container-cli network inspect my_custom_network
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