Az CLI Commands - CMDsheet
Shell Get a single column from an array: az ad app list --query "[].displayName" Get multiple columns from an array az ad app list --query "[].{Name:displayName, Created:create...
Shell Get a single column from an array: az ad app list --query "[].displayName" Get multiple columns from an array az ad app list --query "[].{Name:displayName, Created:create...
Error: The token needs to be in JWS or JWE Compact Serialization Format $accessToken = az account get-access-token --query accessToken $accessTokenSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString $accessToken -AsP...
Veritas: Managing the security posture for 3 veritas products: ASP, AMP & ITA. ASP: Qualys Deployment Qualys and JIRA integration ...
macOS is the operating system developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh computers. It is known for its sleek design, user-friendly interface, and seamless integration with other Apple devices. In...
Problem: Received an error while running docker images on MacOS. Error: The requested image’s platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) Cause: The requeste...
Git Common Commands git --version Check the git version git init To initialize a directory git remote add origin "https://<path-to-git...
Introduction to Computer Vision: CV is a field of artificial intelligence that trains machines to understand and interpret the visual world. Appliances that use or manipulate images tend to us...
Instructions to login into GitLab when 2FA is enabled A. Create an Access Token: Log in into the GitLab account; Go to the Preferences section (hover the profile image and wait for the menu)....
SSH Command to connect to a target host with a specfic ssh key ssh username@targethost -i <path-to-private-key> Update the below file to specify the parameters to be used fo...
Diagrams lets you draw the cloud system architecture in Python code. It was born for prototyping a new system architecture without any design tools. You can also describe or visualize the existin...