Robotic Process Automation - Use Cases
Below are few of the use-cases of reinforcement learing: E-commerce Company Automate its new identity theft product. Australain Energy Company Automate Billing P...
Below are few of the use-cases of reinforcement learing: E-commerce Company Automate its new identity theft product. Australain Energy Company Automate Billing P...
RPA is the use of easily programmable software to handle high-volume, repeatable tasks that previously were manually performed by humans. Robots are automating blue-collar jobs. For example, they...
Below are few of the use-cases of reinforcement learing: Google - AlphaGo AlphaGo learned to play the game Go. Google - Energy Management Google DeepMind system ...
There are three main groups of algorithms in ML: Unsupervised Learning Is used for discovery of new patterns. For example, clustering of customers into groups based on their s...
Below are few of the use cases of NLP: Rotterdam Airport Document Analysis Autodesk Chatbot Boston Consulting Survey Result Analysis ...
NLP is the field of AI concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural langua...
Introduction to Deep Learning: Deep Learning is a family of machine learning methods based on artificial neural networks. Machine learning is defined as a discipline within AI that teaches com...
Neural networks learn through a process called training, where they adjust their internal parameters to minimize the difference between their predicted outputs and the desired outputs. This is ty...
Google AI Cancer detection Help pathalogists to improve the diagnosis of cancer. Google AI worked on a large data set to develop a DL algorithm that can properly identify met...
Below we see a basic input-output type of neural network: It has one input layer with 4 neurons and one output layer with 1 neuron. - We can add another layer called a “hidden” layer with 6 neurosn...