Artificial Intelligence(AI) 32
- Getting Started with GenAI
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision API
- Introduction to Azure Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Azure Pre-Trained Models
- AI Terminologies
- Robotic Process Automation - Use Cases
- Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Reinforcement Learning Use Cases
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
- Natural Language Processing - Use Cases
- Introduction to Natural Language Processing
- Introduction to Deep Learning
- How Neural Networks Learn
- Deep Learning Use Cases
- Building Neural Networks
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Introduction to Machine Learning (ML)
- General - Machine Learning (ML)
- Approaches for Machine Learning (ML)
- Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)
- Segmenting AI, ML, DL and RPA
- Introduction to Computer Vision (CV)
- Azure - Video Indexer
- Azure - OpenAI Service
- Azure - Media Services
- Azure - Form Recognizer
- Azure - Databricks
- Azure - Cognitive Services
- Azure - Cognitive Search
- Azure - Bot Service
- Azure - Artificial Intelligence(AI)