
DevOps Tools

List of tools to improve productivity for DevOps Engineers.

DevOps Tools

Windows OS - Tools Setup

1. Chocolatey

  • Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows that simplifies software installation and management.
  • Think of it as the Windows equivalent of apt or brew.
  • With a single command, you can install and update thousands of applications, making it an indispensable tool for developers and IT admins.
  • Install Chocolatey using the below command using Powershell (Run as Admin):
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

2. kubectx

  • kubectx makes switching between clusters and namespaces effortless.
  • It saves you from repeatedly typing long commands by providing quick context switching, improving productivity in Kubernetes-heavy environments.
Windowschoco install kubectx -y
MacOSbrew install kubectx

3. gping

  • Visualize network latency like never before with gping.
  • It’s a modern replacement for ping, offering a real-time graph of latency.
  • This is a must-have for developers and network admins troubleshooting connectivity issues or monitoring uptime.
choco install gping -y

4. LazyDocker

  • Managing Docker containers, images, and volumes from the command line can be tedious.
  • lazydocker simplifies the process with an intuitive TUI (text-based user interface), providing a centralized dashboard for all your Docker management needs.
choco install lazydocker -y

5. btop

  • btop is an advanced resource monitor for your system.
  • It displays CPU, memory, and network stats in a sleek, modern interface.
  • Whether you’re debugging performance issues or just keeping tabs on your machine, btop makes system monitoring a delight.
brew install btop

6. dive

  • dive is a fantastic tool for analyzing Docker image layers.
  • It helps you pinpoint unnecessary bloat, optimize images, and reduce build times.
  • For developers building lightweight containers, dive is an absolute game-changer.
choco install dive -y
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