Linux Command CMDsheet
Hardware Information
lscpu | Processor |
free | Memory |
df / du | Storage |
ps -A or ps -e | List all processes running on the system |
ps ef | Detailed overview in full format |
ps a | Displays the running processes from all users |
ps u | Displays the running processes along with user or owner |
ps x | Displays the processes those have not been executed from or attached to a terminal |
Operating System
uname -a | Display all system information, including machine name, kernel name, version, and other details |
lsb_release -a | Display all LSB (Linux Standard Base) information, including the distribution name, version, codename, and ID |
cat /etc/os-release | Display information about the operating system release |
hostnamectl | Display system hostname settings, including the hostname, machine ID, boot ID, virtualization, kernel, architecture, and more |
Memory Utilization
cat /proc/meminfo | Displays system’s memory usage |
free -m | Displays total amount of free and used physical and swap memory, buffers and caches used by kernel in MB |
free -g | Same as above in GB |
top | Displays dynamic real-time information about running tasks |
vmstat | Report virtual memory statistics, including memory, swap, I/O, system activity, and CPU activity |
lsblk | To list the block devices |
iostat | Report Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions |
hdparm -I /dev/sda | Display information about disk hardware information |
smartctl -a /dev/sda | Display disk health |
ncdu | Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface |
fdisk -l | To list the different partitions |
du -h --max-depth=1 \| sort -hr | To get the size of each folder in the current directory |
du -ah --max-depth=1 | To include hidden files in the size calculation |
Disk Space Utilization
df -h | Display disk usage in human-readable format |
du -sh <dir> | Estimate file and directory space usage |
du -s * | sort -n | Display the size of each file and directory sorted by size |
mkdir <dir> | To create a directory |
rmdir <dir> | Remove an empty directory named <dir> |
rm -r <dir> | Remove a directory named <dir> and its contents |
pwd | Print the current working directory |
cd <dir> | Change the current directory to dir |
ls | List the contents of the current directory |
ls -l | List the contents of the current directory in long format |
ls -a | List all files, including hidden files |
ls -a --recursive | List all files, including hidden files by looping through all the sub folders |
cp -r <dir1> <dir2> | Copy directory <dir1> and its contents to <dir2> |
mv <dir1> <dir2> | Move or rename directory <dir1> to <dir2> |
User Management
whoami | Display the username of the current user |
id <username> | Display the user and group IDs of the specified user |
useradd <username> | Create a new user |
userdel <username> | Delete a user |
passwd <username> | Change a user’s password |
su - <username> | Switch to another user account |
usermod -aG <groupname> <username> | Add a user to a group |
groups <username> | Display the groups a user is a part of |
cat /etc/passwd | List all users on the system |
cat /etc/group | List all groups on the system |
sudo ufw enable | Enable the firewall |
sudo ufw disable | Disable the firewall |
sudo ufw status | Check the status of the firewall |
sudo ufw allow <port/service> | Allow traffic on specific port or service |
sudo ufw deny <port/service> | Deny traffic on specific port or service |
sudo ufw delete allow <port/service> | Delete an allow rule |
sudo ufw delete deny <port/service> | Delete a deny rule |
nc -l <port> | Listen for incoming connections on a specified port |
nc <hostname> <port> | Connect to a specified hostname on a specified port |
nc -u <hostname> <port> | Use UDP instead of the default TCP |
nc -v <hostname> <port> | Operate in verbose mode, useful for debugging |
nc -z <hostname> <port> | Scan for listening daemons, without sending any data |
nc -w <seconds> <hostname> <port> | Timeout for connections after the specified number of seconds |
dig <domain> | Query DNS name servers for your DNS lookup |
dig <domain> +short | Get just the IP address for a domain |
dig -x <ip> | Perform a reverse DNS lookup |
nslookup <domain> | Query internet name servers interactively |
host <domain> | Perform a simple DNS lookup |
whois <domain> | Get whois information for a domain |
dmesg | Display messages from the kernel ring buffer |
cat /var/log/syslog | Display system logs |
tail -f /var/log/syslog | Follow the system logs in real time |
journalctl | Query the systemd journal |
journalctl -f | Follow the systemd journal in real time |
journalctl -u <service> | Show logs for a specific service |
less /var/log/syslog | View system logs with paging |
grep 'error' /var/log/syslog | Search for ‘error’ in system logs |
Common Commands
echo -n 'string-to-convert' \| openssl base64 | Encode a string to base64 |
echo -n 'string-to-decode' \| openssl base64 -d | Decode a base64 string |
echo -n 'string-to-convert' \| md5sum | Generate an MD5 hash of a string |
echo -n 'string-to-convert' \| sha256sum | Generate a SHA-256 hash of a string |
openssl version | Display OpenSSL version |
openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048 | Generate a new private key |
openssl req -new -key private.key -out request.csr | Generate a Certificate Signing Request |
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in request.csr -signkey private.key -out certificate.crt | Generate a self-signed certificate |
openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key | Extract the public key from a private key |
openssl s_client -connect <hostname>:<port> | Connect to a server to obtain the SSL/TLS details |
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in file.txt -out file.txt.enc | Encrypt a file |
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in file.txt.enc -out file.txt | Decrypt a file |
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