
Linux Command CMDsheet

Hardware Information

df / duStorage


ps -A or ps -eList all processes running on the system
ps efDetailed overview in full format
ps aDisplays the running processes from all users
ps uDisplays the running processes along with user or owner
ps xDisplays the processes those have not been executed from or attached to a terminal

Operating System

uname -aDisplay all system information, including machine name, kernel name, version, and other details
lsb_release -aDisplay all LSB (Linux Standard Base) information, including the distribution name, version, codename, and ID
cat /etc/os-releaseDisplay information about the operating system release
hostnamectlDisplay system hostname settings, including the hostname, machine ID, boot ID, virtualization, kernel, architecture, and more

Memory Utilization

cat /proc/meminfoDisplays system’s memory usage
free -mDisplays total amount of free and used physical and swap memory, buffers and caches used by kernel in MB
free -gSame as above in GB
topDisplays dynamic real-time information about running tasks
vmstatReport virtual memory statistics, including memory, swap, I/O, system activity, and CPU activity


lsblkTo list the block devices
iostatReport Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions
hdparm -I /dev/sdaDisplay information about disk hardware information
smartctl -a /dev/sdaDisplay disk health
ncduDisk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface
fdisk -lTo list the different partitions
du -h --max-depth=1 \| sort -hrTo get the size of each folder in the current directory
du -ah --max-depth=1To include hidden files in the size calculation

Disk Space Utilization

df -hDisplay disk usage in human-readable format
du -sh <dir>Estimate file and directory space usage
du -s * | sort -nDisplay the size of each file and directory sorted by size


mkdir <dir>To create a directory
rmdir <dir>Remove an empty directory named <dir>
rm -r <dir>Remove a directory named <dir> and its contents
pwdPrint the current working directory
cd <dir>Change the current directory to dir
lsList the contents of the current directory
ls -lList the contents of the current directory in long format
ls -aList all files, including hidden files
ls -a --recursiveList all files, including hidden files by looping through all the sub folders
cp -r <dir1> <dir2>Copy directory <dir1> and its contents to <dir2>
mv <dir1> <dir2>Move or rename directory <dir1> to <dir2>

User Management

whoamiDisplay the username of the current user
id <username>Display the user and group IDs of the specified user
useradd <username>Create a new user
userdel <username>Delete a user
passwd <username>Change a user’s password
su - <username>Switch to another user account
usermod -aG <groupname> <username>Add a user to a group
groups <username>Display the groups a user is a part of
cat /etc/passwdList all users on the system
cat /etc/groupList all groups on the system


sudo ufw enableEnable the firewall
sudo ufw disableDisable the firewall
sudo ufw statusCheck the status of the firewall
sudo ufw allow <port/service>Allow traffic on specific port or service
sudo ufw deny <port/service>Deny traffic on specific port or service
sudo ufw delete allow <port/service>Delete an allow rule
sudo ufw delete deny <port/service>Delete a deny rule


nc -l <port>Listen for incoming connections on a specified port
nc <hostname> <port>Connect to a specified hostname on a specified port
nc -u <hostname> <port>Use UDP instead of the default TCP
nc -v <hostname> <port>Operate in verbose mode, useful for debugging
nc -z <hostname> <port>Scan for listening daemons, without sending any data
nc -w <seconds> <hostname> <port>Timeout for connections after the specified number of seconds


dig <domain>Query DNS name servers for your DNS lookup
dig <domain> +shortGet just the IP address for a domain
dig -x <ip>Perform a reverse DNS lookup
nslookup <domain>Query internet name servers interactively
host <domain>Perform a simple DNS lookup
whois <domain>Get whois information for a domain


dmesgDisplay messages from the kernel ring buffer
cat /var/log/syslogDisplay system logs
tail -f /var/log/syslogFollow the system logs in real time
journalctlQuery the systemd journal
journalctl -fFollow the systemd journal in real time
journalctl -u <service>Show logs for a specific service
less /var/log/syslogView system logs with paging
grep 'error' /var/log/syslogSearch for ‘error’ in system logs

Common Commands

echo -n 'string-to-convert' \| openssl base64Encode a string to base64
echo -n 'string-to-decode' \| openssl base64 -dDecode a base64 string
echo -n 'string-to-convert' \| md5sumGenerate an MD5 hash of a string
echo -n 'string-to-convert' \| sha256sumGenerate a SHA-256 hash of a string


openssl versionDisplay OpenSSL version
openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048Generate a new private key
openssl req -new -key private.key -out request.csrGenerate a Certificate Signing Request
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in request.csr -signkey private.key -out certificate.crtGenerate a self-signed certificate
openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.keyExtract the public key from a private key
openssl s_client -connect <hostname>:<port>Connect to a server to obtain the SSL/TLS details
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in file.txt -out file.txt.encEncrypt a file
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in file.txt.enc -out file.txtDecrypt a file
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