
FinOps Tools - Amazon Web Services(AWS), Azure and Google Cloud Platform(GCP)

FinOps Tools - Amazon Web Services(AWS), Azure and Google Cloud Platform(GCP)

FinOps Tools Comparison

Cloud Cost PlanningAWS Pricing CalculatorAzure Pricing CalculatorGCP Pricing Calculator
Billing and ReportingAWS Cost ExplorerAzure Cost Management + BillingGoogle Cloud Billing Reports
Detailed Billing AnalysisAWS Quick SightAzure Power BIData Studio, Locker Analytics Dash Board
InvoicingAWS InvoicesAzure InvoicesCost Table Report, Cost Breakdown Report,
Pricing Report, Billing Forecast
ForecastingAWS Cost Explorer (Self- Service),
AWS Budgets (Event-driven)
 Billing Forecast
TaggingAWS Tag EditorAzure PolicyResource Hierarchy
Alerts & NotificationsAWS BudgetsAzure BudgetsGCP Budget Alerts
Template Driven DeploymentAWS CloudFormationAzure Resource ManagerTerraform, Cloud Deployment Manager
ControlsService Quota, AWS Instance Scheduler,
AWS Data Lifecycle Manager
 Quotas and Rate Limit API’s
RecommendationsAWS Cost Explorer, Trusted AdvisorAzure Advisor, Azure MonitorRecommender, Active Assist,
Google Cloud Operations Suite,
Commitment Analysis Report
InsightsCloudWatch, CloudTrail Billing Health Checks
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