
Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure


  • Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and service provided by Microsoft.
  • It offers a wide range of cloud services that enable organizations to build, deploy, and manage applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.

Azure Services CheatSheet

Summary of Services

CategoryServerless ServicesNon-Serverless Services
ComputeAzure FunctionsAzure Virtual Machines
 Azure Logic AppsAzure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
 Azure Event GridAzure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  Azure Container Instances (ACI)
StorageAzure Blob Storage 
 Azure Queue Storage 
 Azure Table Storage 
DatabaseAzure Cosmos DBAzure SQL Database
  Azure Database for MySQL
  Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  Azure SQL Managed Instance
App ServicesAzure App Service (Web Apps, API Apps, etc.) 
 Azure Logic Apps 
  Azure App Service Environment
NetworkingAzure CDNAzure Virtual Network (VNet)
  Azure ExpressRoute
  Azure Load Balancer
IdentityAzure Active Directory (AAD) 
  Azure Active Directory B2C
AnalyticsAzure Stream AnalyticsAzure HDInsight
 Azure Data Lake AnalyticsAzure Databricks
  Azure Synapse Analytics
(formerly SQL Data Warehouse)
SecurityAzure Key VaultAzure Security Center
  Azure Firewall
  Azure DDoS Protection
MonitoringAzure MonitorAzure Application Insights
 Azure Log Analytics 


  1. Compute:
    • Azure offers a variety of compute services for running applications and workloads, including Azure Functions for event-driven serverless computing, Azure Virtual Machines for full control over virtualized resources, and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for containerized applications.
  2. Storage:
    • Azure provides scalable and durable storage options like Azure Blob Storage, Azure Queue Storage, and Azure Table Storage for storing and managing data in the cloud, along with Azure Files and Azure Disk Storage for file sharing and virtual machine disks.
  3. Database:
    • Azure offers a range of database services, including Azure Cosmos DB for globally distributed NoSQL databases, Azure SQL Database for relational databases, and Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL for open-source database management.
  4. App Services:
    • Azure App Service enables the deployment and management of web applications, APIs, and mobile backends, while Azure Logic Apps provides workflow automation and integration capabilities.
  5. Networking:
    • Azure Networking encompasses services such as Azure Virtual Network (VNet) for creating isolated networks, Azure ExpressRoute for dedicated private connections, and Azure Load Balancer for distributing traffic across resources.
  6. Identity:
    • Azure Identity services, including Azure Active Directory (AAD) and Azure Active Directory B2C, offer identity and access management solutions for securing applications and resources.
  7. Analytics:
    • Azure Analytics services like Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Data Lake Analytics, and Azure Databricks enable real-time data processing, big data analytics, and advanced data warehousing solutions.
  8. Security:
    • Azure Security services such as Azure Key Vault, Azure Security Center, Azure Firewall, and Azure DDoS Protection provide secure storage, threat protection, network security, and defense against distributed denial-of-service attacks.
  9. Monitoring:
    • Azure Monitoring services like Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics offer comprehensive monitoring, logging, and insights into the performance, health, and security of Azure resources and applications.

Benefits of Azure

  1. Scalability - Azure allows you to scale your applications and services based on demand. You can easily increase or decrease resources to meet your workload requirements.
  2. Reliability - Azure offers high availability and fault tolerance, ensuring that your applications and services are always up and running.
  3. `Security - Azure provides robust security features, including identity and access management, encryption, and threat detection. It helps you protect your data and comply with industry regulations.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness - Azure offers flexible pricing options, allowing you to pay only for the resources you use. It helps you optimize costs and reduce infrastructure expenses.

Azure Service Region Dependency

Region DependentRegion Agnostic
Azure Virtual MachinesAzure DevTest Labs
Azure App ServiceAzure DevOps
Azure Blob StorageAzure Functions Premium Plan
Azure SQL DatabaseAzure Information Protection
Azure Cosmos DBAzure Load Testing
Azure Key VaultAzure Machine Learning
Azure FunctionsAzure Maps
Azure Traffic ManagerAzure Notification Hubs
Azure Container InstancesAzure Resource Manager
Azure Virtual NetworkAzure Sentinel
Azure Load BalancerAzure Speech
Azure CDNAzure Text Analytics
Azure DNSAzure Time Series Insights
Azure Kubernetes ServiceAzure Translator
Azure Storage AccountAzure Virtual WAN
Azure Cognitive ServicesAzure VMware Solution
Azure SQL Data WarehouseAzure VPN Gateway
Azure Redis CacheAzure Web Apps
Azure Data Lake Storage 
Azure Container Registry 
Azure Event Hubs 
Azure Service Bus 
Azure Search 
Azure Logic Apps 
Azure Stream Analytics 
Azure DevOps Services 
Azure Active Directory 
Azure Monitor 
Azure Data Factory 
Azure Synapse Analytics 
Azure IoT Hub 
Azure Security Center 
Azure API Management 
Azure Backup 
Azure Site Recovery 
Azure Databricks 
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