Azure - Kusto Query Language
Azure - Kusto Query Language
- KQL, or Kusto Query Language, is a powerful query language used in Azure to perform read-only requests for processing and retrieving data from the Azure Data Explorer service.
KQL is widely used in Azure Monitor, Log Analytics, and other Azure services to analyze and explore large volumes of data efficiently.
- Below are some common examples and usage scenarios of KQL:
Basic Query Structure
Retrieving All Records from a Table
- This query retrieves all records from the specified table.
Filtering Data
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TableName | where Timestamp > datetime(2024-01-01)
- This query retrieves records from the table where the Timestamp is later than January 1, 2023.
1 2
TableName | where ColumnName contains "Error"
1 2
TableName | search "Error"
- This query retrieves records from the table where the “Error” word is present
Selecting Specific Columns
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TableName | project Column1, Column2, CustomerColum=["internalKeyName"]
- This query selects and returns only Column1 and Column2 from the table.
Get Table Schema
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TableName | getschema
- This query returns the table schema.
Aggregation and Summarization
Counting Records
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TableName | count
- This query counts the total number of records in the table.
Summarizing Data
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TableName | summarize TotalCount = count() by Column1
- This query groups the records by Column1 and returns the count of records for each group.
Average Calculation
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TableName | summarize AverageValue = avg(NumericColumn) by CategoryColumn
- This query calculates the average of NumericColumn values, grouped by CategoryColumn.
Time-Based Analysis
Time Series Analysis
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TableName | summarize CountPerHour = count() by bin(Timestamp, 1h)
- This query groups records into 1-hour bins based on the Timestamp and counts the number of records in each bin.
Calculating Time Differences
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TableName | extend TimeDifference = datetime_diff('minute', EndTime, StartTime)
- This query calculates the difference in minutes between EndTime and StartTime for each record.
Joining and Combining Data
Joining Tables
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Table1 | join kind=inner (Table2) on CommonColumn
- This query performs an inner join between Table1 and Table2 based on CommonColumn.
Union of Tables
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Table1 | union Table2
- This query combines records from Table1 and Table2.
Creating a New Column
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AzureActivity | extend request=todynamic(HTTPReqeust) | project request9["clientIpAddress"]
- This query returns the client IP address from the HTTPRequest column
Advanced Scenarios
Parsing JSON Data
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TableName | extend ParsedJson = parse_json(JsonColumn)
- This query parses JSON-formatted data in JsonColumn.
Detecting Anomalies
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TableName | summarize AvgValue = avg(NumericColumn) by bin(Timestamp, 1h) | evaluate anomaly_detection(AvgValue, 2, 'linefit')
- This query detects anomalies in the AvgValue over time, using a 2-sigma threshold and a line fit model.
Parsing Data from Column Text
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AzureDiagnostics | parse msg_s with Protocol 'request from ' SourceIP ':' * 'to' DestinationIP ':' * | extend 1_protocol=Protocol, 1_sourceip=SourceIP,1_destination=DestinationIP | project 1_protocol, 1_sourceip,1_destination
Real-World Examples
Monitoring CPU Usage
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Perf | where ObjectName == "Processor" and CounterName == "% Processor Time" | summarize AvgCpuUsage = avg(CounterValue) by bin(Timestamp, 5m)
- This query monitors CPU usage by summarizing the average processor time every 5 minutes.
Tracking Error Rates in Applications
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AppRequests | where Success == false | summarize ErrorCount = count() by bin(Timestamp, 1h)
- This query tracks the number of failed application requests per hour.
Analyzing User Activity
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UserActivityLogs | where Action == "Login" | summarize LoginsPerDay = count() by bin(Timestamp, 1d)
- This query analyzes user login activity by counting logins per day.
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