
Reinforcement Learning Use Cases

Below are few of the use-cases of reinforcement learing:

  1. Google - AlphaGo
    • AlphaGo learned to play the game Go.
  2. Google - Energy Management
    • Google DeepMind system of neural networks was trained on different scenarios & parameters to reduce the amount of energy for cooling their data centers by up to 40%.
  3. Decision Service
    • Advertising
  4. Trendyol
    • Email Advertising
    • Email automation tool that distinguishes which messages will be most relevant to which customers.
  5. Alibaba
    • Advertising Display Bidding
    • Alibaba developed a system to quantify how likely a customer is to click on a particular ad.
  6. Electa
    • Energy Management
    • Scientists from Electa developed a reinforcement learning system to optimize hot water control systems.
  7. Fanuc / Telsa
    • Manufacturing & Robotics
    • Fanuc develops robots that quickly learn to perform new tasks, including sorting products or delivering them.
  8. Unamed Company
    • Inventory Management
  9. Cambridge University
    • Researches developed a RL algorithm that improves treatment policies for patients with sepsis.
  10. Self Driving Cars
    • Tesla, Google
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