
General - Machine Learning (ML)

General - Machine Learning (ML)

Main Ingredients for Machine Learning

  1. Data
  2. Training
  3. Hardware

CPU - Central Processing Units

  • Used to all the tasks that are performed on a computer. GPU - Graphics Processing Unit
  • Dedicated high performance chip used for machine learning


  • Input Data Label
  • Output Training DataSet
  • A large group of lableled examples. ML Training Phase
  • ML Trained Model


Under-fitting Model

  • Reasons:
    1. Too Simple Model
    2. Training data is not enough Over-fitting Model
  • Reasons:
    1. Training dataaset is a SAMPLE
    2. Too Complex Model

Classification of ML Systems:

  1. Supervised Learning
    • Classification Classifier Support Vector Machines (SVM’s)
    • Regression Linear Regression Logistic Regression Polynomial Regression
  2. Unsupervised Learning
    • Clustering
    • Task of identifying similar instances with shared attributes in a dataset and group them together into clusters.
    • The output of the algorithm would be a set of labels assigning each data point to one of the identified clusters. - Dimension Reduction
  3. Reinforcement Learning
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