
Introduction to Azure Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Introduction to Azure AI

  • Aritificial Intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

  • Types of AI:
    1. Strong AI
  • Intelligence of machine = Intelligence of human
  • A machine that can solve problems, learn, and plan for the future.
  • An expert at everthing.
  • Learns like a child, building on it’s own experiences.
  1. Narrow/Weak AI
    • Focuses on specific task
    • Examples: Self driving cars and virtual assistants
    • Machine Learning: Learn from data

Building AI Solutions in Azure

  1. Use Pre-Trained Models
    • Example: Azure Cognitive Services
    • Get intelligence from text, images, audio, video
  2. Build Simple Models
    • Without needing data scientists
    • Example: Custom Vision
    • Example: Azure Machine Learning
    • Automated machine learning
  3. Build Complex Models
    • Using data scientists and team
    • Build your own ML models from ZERO (code-experienced)
    • Example: Using Azure Machine Learning

Types of AI Workloads

  1. Content Moderation & Personalization
    • Filtering inappropiate content on socoal media
    • Recommending products based on user history
    • Adjusting website content based on user preferences
  2. Computer Vision Workloads
    • Facial recognition systems
    • Self-driving car navigation systems
    • Object detection in surveillance videos
    • Augmented reality applications
  3. Natural Language Processing Workloads
    • Language translation services
    • Voice recongition and response systems
    • Sentiment analysis in customer feedback
  4. Knowledge Mining Workloads
    • Analyzing large datasets to uncover trends
    • Extracting useful information from unstructured data
    • Mining customer data for insights
    • Predictive analytics in business intelligence
  5. Document Intelligence Workloads
    • Automated invoice processing
    • Resume parsing for recruitment
    • Document classification and archiving
    • Data extraction from legel documents
  6. Generative AI Workloads
    • Creating new images or text based on learned patterns
    • AI-generated music or art
    • Automated content generation for social media
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