
PCI HIPAA Certification

PCI HIPAA Certification

  • Below is the list of topics and the respective questionaire for which evidence is requested from an organisation to get PCI HIPAA certified.


Office LocationsCloud Service Providers
Env Locations - Data Centers LocationOn-Premise Locations
Application List3rd Party Vendors
Asset List - App, DB, Storage 
Data Flow Diagram 
Architecture and Network Diagrams 
External IP Addresses 


Rules configured in all the network devicesFirewall
Configuration for all network devicesRouter
Justification for use of services, protocols and ports allowed in network devicesApplication Gateway
System generated Inbound and Outbound Access ListNAT Gateway
User List with the permissions to network devicesVirtual Network
Secured backup procedure for all network device configuration 
Change Management Process for network devices 
Semi-annual Compliant Reports for network devices 
Preventive measures for Anti-spoofing 
Stateful Inspection enabled on external firewalls 
Sample Inbound and Outbound Logs from network devices 
Samples from personal firewall with Firewall enabled 

Configuration Management

User Access Review - Default account removedAzure AD User List
List of users and their rolesAll Compute Resources in Azure
List of services and exposed ports running on all the systemsAzure Firewall
Wireless Access Point - Firmware Version, Encryption, Defaults are changedWeb Application Firewall
Strong Encryption is implemented on all the devices 
Additional Controls implementation for HTTP, FTP, Telnet, Specific SSL/TLS, SSH 
Configuration Scan evidence against hardening standards 

Data Encryption at rest

Storage Location, Retention period, Secure data deletion, Encryption DetailsAzure Keyvault
Evidence showing all the application assets are search for confidential dataPlatform manged Keys
Confidential Data storage Location, Masking, User list having access 
Data Protection Methods (Encryption, Hashing, Truncation, Tokenization, etc) 
Key Management Process, Hardware Security Modules 

Data Encryption in transit

Encryption used to transmit in-scope data over messaging technologiesCertificates, TLS
Encryption used to transmit in-scope data over any open or public communication channelAll resources transmitting data


Anti-Virus Implementation Process and in Active ModeMicrosoft Defender for Cloud
Anti-Virus Server Management Console 

Application Security

Code Review ProcessCI, Git
Current Patch Levels and Upgrade ProcessApplication Upgrade
Advisory Alerts and Analysis Process against Asset listCompute Resources Upgrade
Secure Software Development Policy/ProcedureCIS Benchmark, OWASP
Process for generating test data 
Sample Change Requests for any security/configuration/app change 
Web Application Firewall 
Logical separation between Prod and Non-Prod environments 
Segregation of duties between users with Prod and Non-Prod access 
Secure Code Training 

Logical Access

Password EncryptionAzure AD
List of Users, Access Permission and Justification for acccessMicrosoft Authenticator
User creation, deletion and modification process and samples 
List of Vendors with remote access 
Evidence for Account lockout policy, lockout duration, timeout policy 
Evidence for Password length, complexity, history, expiry 
Current Active Connections on any system 
Evidence of MFA 
Organisation level Access Control Policy 
Recent Password Reset Forms/Requests 

Physical Security

List of all Physical Locations 
User Access Creation and Deletion Forms/Requests 
Visitor Access Procedure and Visitor Logs Samples 
Controls for physically securing data 
Records of media movement (if any) 
Physical Media Destruction Procedure 
List of Point-of-sale(POS) devices and their security and maintenance procedure 

Logging and Monitoring

Samples of alerts received and the response on the alertsLog Analytics Workspace
Evidence of File Integrity Monitoring implementationAzure Activity Log
Daily Log Review ReportMonitoring Tools
Evidence of event logsAzure Monitor
Evidence of monitoring systems for critical security componentsMicrosoft Defender for Cloud
Evidence of Audit Log Policy settings 
Evidence of Network Time Protocol (NTP) 
Evidence of Central SysLog Server 

Security Testing

Internal Penetration Testing 
External Penetration Testing 
Internal Vulnerability Scans 
Methods used for Penetration Testing 
Quarterly Vulnerability Scan Report 
Configuration/Vulnerability Assessment Report 

Human Resources

Information Security Policy 
Information Security Awareness Training Material 
Employee Background Checks 

Policies and Procedures

Organization Information Security Policies 
Organizational Chart and their roles 
Acknowledge for responsibility of customer data 
Process of Clearing House 
Evidence of repairs and modification to physical facility 
Emergency Access Evidence 
Technology used for Remote Access. Ex. VPN 
Data movement policy 

Third Party Management

List of 3rd party service providers 
Associated Compliance documentation for 3rd Party service providers 
Document due diligence for 3rd party service providers 
Incident Response Organizations Incident Response Plan 
Incident Handling Training Records 
Evidence showing risk assessment includes breach notification 
Incidents are notified to Individuals in an acceptable time period 
Breach notification handling process and samples 
Process to notify breach incidents to stakeholders, business associate and law enforcement 

Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Recovery

Enterprise Business Continuity Plan (BCP)/Disaster Recovery (DR) planAzure Site Recovery
Latest DR test resultsAvailability Sets and Zones
Data backup proceduresAzure Backup Service
Evidence showing environments are governed by enterprise security standards 

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Methodology 
Risk Assessment Report 

Governance + Compliance

Organizational chart that shows the separation of duties between Operational and security/compliance roles 
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