ASP Infrastructure Platform Modernisation Architecture
ASP Infrastructure Platform Modernisation Architecture - POC
- Design and Implement a scalable Infrastructure architecture for ASP
- Base platform infrastructure defined as code
- Easy customer onboarding with COPS
Current Architecture
ASP Engineering – Modernization plan
- Transforming ASP Connector .Net framework architecture to .Net Core, thus providing following capabilities
- Moving away from Windows Server as .Net core can run on Linux
- Easy conversion of Linux process to Linux container
- Containers can be orchestrated by Container Instances or AKS
- Moving StoreSite to containers from Azure App Service
- Pushing metrics, traces and logs to external agnostic systems like Azure Log Analytics, Loki
- Containerization of Journaling feature and deployment on Kubernetes
ASP Modernization Proposed Model
- SRE team has studied the current ASP architecture. Considering the scalability requirements outlined in the Vision section, following design is proposed.
- The new architecture will involve the following:
- Infrastructure As Code Model. Desired state of the infrastructure will be designed as code, code reviewed and applied by automation
- Isolated Tenant configuration per customer – can be achieved with network, compute isolation
- Improved resource utilization – horizontal and vertical scaling capability utilizing the containerized approach and suitability with Kubernetes Service
- Shortened software development cycles – ability to define deployment code outside of product code
- Elastic Search Indexing is already containerized, StoreSite can be containerized soon
- Would be Cloud Agnostic (No Vendor lock-in. Kubernetes services are available as Managed Cloud Offerings or Onpremises)
Following will be the components involved:
- Network Design
- VNets to be private only networks with no Public access
- Work with IT and Security team to identify sufficient Class A CIDR ranges for all of the VNets ( as the main class A range and then the regional)
- A central VNet created in Azure also called as Hub VNet in one proposed region (US East as an example)
- This VNet will host COPS server, COPS DB
- Azure Bastion Service (Entry point for Operations to the Infrastructure)
- Azure Firewall - Every supported Azure Region (Where we have to onboard customers) will host a Spoke VNet
- The Spoke VNets will have Utility Subnets (Loki, Qualys, etc)
- Every Customer will have a customer specific Subnet - preferably having naming convention identifying the customer name (customer1-useast-subnet for example)
- Each Subnet will have a Network Security Group configured to permit only allowed traffic. For example different customer subnets cannot talk with each other
- Each Subnet can be configure to allow specific Azure Resources using Service Endpoints
- Azure Resources can also be configured to allow traffic from specific subnets only
- All customer resources like VMs, Nodepools, etc will be hosted in Customer specific subnets only
- VNet peerings (Interal Networking):
- Hub VNet will be peered to all Spoke VNets
- Inter Spoke Traffic Routing
- As per requirement multiple Spoke VNets can also be peered with each other
- It is recommended that inter VNet routing happens through Hub VNet by allowing transitive traffic and routing rules
- Network Security Groups will anyway control the allowed network flow - Azure Application Gateway with Web Access Firewall (WAF)
- Azure Application Gateway is proposed to be the preferred load balancer (entry point) for the Customer Exposed StoreSite
- There will be a Application Gateway in each region (VNet)
- Azure Application Gateway will be configured with WAF as per the required security policy
- For Commercial Cloud customers, we are proposing a single Application Gateway per region
- Each App Gateway will have the customer specific frontend and backends configured
- For example if customer1’s primary region is eastus, then the customer specific listener will be on the eastus Application Gateway
- The backend for the Application Gateway will be the StoreSite service
ASP Compute Workload Design
With the Network layer defined, the ASP compute Workloads can be accomodated in the respecitve regional VNets. The new workload engine for containerized workloads can be
- Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- AKS cluster can be deployed in each Region
- Each customer will be configured with a customer specific kubernetes namespace
- Network, Access security within Kubernetes can be configured at a namespace level
- Customer Specific NodePools will be created for the compute requirements. These nodepools will host the containers (pods)
- Since the nodepools will be in customer specific subnets, there will be network isolation
- Other ASP Resources
- The other ASP resources will be provisioned as per the existing model (COPS) with one change that they will be created with specific VNet and Subnet configurations
- Azure SQL Database (Hub and Store DBs) - This can be provisioned as per current Model but with Private Only network enabled and private link with the respective VNet and customer Subnet
- Azure Storage Accounts - These can be provisioned as per current Model but with Private Only network enabled and private link with the respective VNet and customer Subnet
- Connector VMs - These will be placed in specific VNet and Subnets
- Export VMs - These will be placed in specific VNet and Subnets We are proposing a phased approach for the deployment of these resources
- The other ASP resources will be provisioned as per the existing model (COPS) with one change that they will be created with specific VNet and Subnet configurations
Phase 1
In Phase 1, we will deploy the following resources:
- VNets and Subnets as per the design
- Hub VNet with Firewall and Bastion Service
- AKS cluster in respective regions
- Connector and Export VMs will be deployed in the new network model
- SQL DBs, Storage Accounts will be private only and allowed in specific VNets and subnets
- Attempt to containerize the following:
- Search Service
- Elastic Search component to be containerized
- Nginx and Tika service are already containerized.
- StoreSite service to be containerized
- StoreSite web app can be containerized
- Web Jobs can be run as Kubernetes Jobs. Need to try this
- Journaling
- There is a parallel effort to containerize the Journaling service
- Search Service
- Create Kubernetes Manifests (Deployment YAMLs) for deploying the services on AKS
Phase 2
- Build out Regional VNets (2 Regions for this POC), Hub and Spoke
- Subnets for Customer workloads
- Build out Kubernetes Clusters per region
- Build out NodePools in each subnet
- Have 3 customer ASP deployments in this environment spanning multiple regions
Asks Needed from ASP Ops/Engg teams
- In the dev environment, access to a working setup having multi region deployment
- Connector VMs protecting Sharepoint and Office 365
- Export VM
- Search VM
- Sharepoint and Office 365 test accounts
- Demonstrate the SRE and Operation workflows for:
- K8S Infrastructure deployment through Gitlab
- ASP customer onboarding through COPS