ASP Infrastructure Platform Modernisation Architecture

ASP Infrastructure Platform Modernisation Architecture

ASP Infrastructure Platform Modernisation Architecture - POC


  • Design and Implement a scalable Infrastructure architecture for ASP
  • Base platform infrastructure defined as code
  • Easy customer onboarding with COPS

Current Architecture

Current Architecture

ASP Engineering – Modernization plan

  • Transforming ASP Connector .Net framework architecture to .Net Core, thus providing following capabilities
    • Moving away from Windows Server as .Net core can run on Linux
    • Easy conversion of Linux process to Linux container
    • Containers can be orchestrated by Container Instances or AKS
  • Moving StoreSite to containers from Azure App Service
  • Pushing metrics, traces and logs to external agnostic systems like Azure Log Analytics, Loki
  • Containerization of Journaling feature and deployment on Kubernetes

ASP Modernization Proposed Model

  • SRE team has studied the current ASP architecture. Considering the scalability requirements outlined in the Vision section, following design is proposed.
  • The new architecture will involve the following:
    • Infrastructure As Code Model. Desired state of the infrastructure will be designed as code, code reviewed and applied by automation
    • Isolated Tenant configuration per customer – can be achieved with network, compute isolation
    • Improved resource utilization – horizontal and vertical scaling capability utilizing the containerized approach and suitability with Kubernetes Service
    • Shortened software development cycles – ability to define deployment code outside of product code
    • Elastic Search Indexing is already containerized, StoreSite can be containerized soon
    • Would be Cloud Agnostic (No Vendor lock-in. Kubernetes services are available as Managed Cloud Offerings or Onpremises)

Following will be the components involved:

  1. Network Design
    • VNets to be private only networks with no Public access
    • Work with IT and Security team to identify sufficient Class A CIDR ranges for all of the VNets ( as the main class A range and then the regional)
    • A central VNet created in Azure also called as Hub VNet in one proposed region (US East as an example)
    • This VNet will host COPS server, COPS DB
    • Azure Bastion Service (Entry point for Operations to the Infrastructure)
    • Azure Firewall - Every supported Azure Region (Where we have to onboard customers) will host a Spoke VNet
    • The Spoke VNets will have Utility Subnets (Loki, Qualys, etc)
    • Every Customer will have a customer specific Subnet - preferably having naming convention identifying the customer name (customer1-useast-subnet for example)
      • Each Subnet will have a Network Security Group configured to permit only allowed traffic. For example different customer subnets cannot talk with each other
      • Each Subnet can be configure to allow specific Azure Resources using Service Endpoints
      • Azure Resources can also be configured to allow traffic from specific subnets only
      • All customer resources like VMs, Nodepools, etc will be hosted in Customer specific subnets only
        • VNet peerings (Interal Networking):
    • Hub VNet will be peered to all Spoke VNets
    • Inter Spoke Traffic Routing
      • As per requirement multiple Spoke VNets can also be peered with each other
      • It is recommended that inter VNet routing happens through Hub VNet by allowing transitive traffic and routing rules
    • Network Security Groups will anyway control the allowed network flow - Azure Application Gateway with Web Access Firewall (WAF)
    • Azure Application Gateway is proposed to be the preferred load balancer (entry point) for the Customer Exposed StoreSite
    • There will be a Application Gateway in each region (VNet)
    • Azure Application Gateway will be configured with WAF as per the required security policy
    • For Commercial Cloud customers, we are proposing a single Application Gateway per region
      • Each App Gateway will have the customer specific frontend and backends configured
      • For example if customer1’s primary region is eastus, then the customer specific listener will be on the eastus Application Gateway
      • The backend for the Application Gateway will be the StoreSite service

Hub-Spoke Topology

ASP Compute Workload Design

  • With the Network layer defined, the ASP compute Workloads can be accomodated in the respecitve regional VNets. The new workload engine for containerized workloads can be

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
    • AKS cluster can be deployed in each Region
    • Each customer will be configured with a customer specific kubernetes namespace
    • Network, Access security within Kubernetes can be configured at a namespace level
    • Customer Specific NodePools will be created for the compute requirements. These nodepools will host the containers (pods)
    • Since the nodepools will be in customer specific subnets, there will be network isolation
  • Other ASP Resources
    • The other ASP resources will be provisioned as per the existing model (COPS) with one change that they will be created with specific VNet and Subnet configurations
      • Azure SQL Database (Hub and Store DBs) - This can be provisioned as per current Model but with Private Only network enabled and private link with the respective VNet and customer Subnet
      • Azure Storage Accounts - These can be provisioned as per current Model but with Private Only network enabled and private link with the respective VNet and customer Subnet
      • Connector VMs - These will be placed in specific VNet and Subnets
      • Export VMs - These will be placed in specific VNet and Subnets We are proposing a phased approach for the deployment of these resources

Phase 1

In Phase 1, we will deploy the following resources:

  • VNets and Subnets as per the design
  • Hub VNet with Firewall and Bastion Service
  • AKS cluster in respective regions
  • Connector and Export VMs will be deployed in the new network model
  • SQL DBs, Storage Accounts will be private only and allowed in specific VNets and subnets
  • Attempt to containerize the following:
    • Search Service
      • Elastic Search component to be containerized
      • Nginx and Tika service are already containerized.
    • StoreSite service to be containerized
      • StoreSite web app can be containerized
      • Web Jobs can be run as Kubernetes Jobs. Need to try this
    • Journaling
      • There is a parallel effort to containerize the Journaling service
  • Create Kubernetes Manifests (Deployment YAMLs) for deploying the services on AKS

Proposed K8S Architecture - Phase 1

Phase 2

Proposed K8S Architecture - Phase 2


  • Build out Regional VNets (2 Regions for this POC), Hub and Spoke
  • Subnets for Customer workloads
  • Build out Kubernetes Clusters per region
  • Build out NodePools in each subnet
  • Have 3 customer ASP deployments in this environment spanning multiple regions

Asks Needed from ASP Ops/Engg teams

  1. In the dev environment, access to a working setup having multi region deployment
    • Connector VMs protecting Sharepoint and Office 365
    • Export VM
    • Search VM
  2. Sharepoint and Office 365 test accounts


  • Demonstrate the SRE and Operation workflows for:
    1. K8S Infrastructure deployment through Gitlab
    2. ASP customer onboarding through COPS